What are the things we should give up if we want to be successful?

Doug Armey
Doug Armey, Author, Entrepreneur, Investor and Adventurer 

5 quick ones.

That you’ll be glad you gave up.

  1. Mediocrity. If you do what everyone else does you’ll be like everyone else. If you want to be extraordinary you need to do the extraordinary. Never could understand people doing what’s common yet expecting the extraordinary. At little crazy.
  2. Wasting time. Fit in all the important pieces of life. Family, friends, health, spiritual. But in your spare time you either will grow or stagnate. You’ll either become an expert in your field or about teams in the NFL. I stopped watching the NFL a while ago.
  3. Letting others dictate your life. You can either take charge of your life or someone else will. You can either set the direction for your life or someone else will. Which do you think will work out better? Who do you think cares more for your success? Think carefully.
  4. Negative friends. You’ll become the sum of your closest friends. Hang out with negative losers and you’ll become one. Hang out with successful winners and you’ll become one. Hmm, that seems pretty simple. Glad I thought of that.
  5. Negativity. Winners focus on winning. Losers focus on losing. Successful people expect to succeed. Failing people expect to fail. Some people predict failing so they’re never disappointed. And they’re not. Never quite saw the point of that.

Sometimes it’s just good to give up a few things.

What should I know/be doing at 23 years old?

Shivee Chauhan

I am 29, going on 30. Below is a list that I wish I had known at 23.

  1. Networking is important. Everyone needs sponsors and advocates if they want to achieve greater heights in their career, the sooner you start creating a network of people that can support and nurture you, the better.
  2. Not every friend is important. Some exist just to feed off your insecurities and lower your self worth. Surround yourself with people who want the best for you. Don’t be afraid to drop people who do not want to see you succeed.
  3. A real relationship will happen. Wait for it, give it time. Don’t settle for anything less than you deserve, It’s worth it.
  4. There are sharks in this world. Stay aware about the sharks who want to feed off your naïveté and kindness. Be kind, but firm. Balance is the key.
  5. Everyone works on their own timelines. Some people become successful much earlier than others. Just because it’s not your time, do not stop preparing for when your time comes. A little preparation goes a long way.
  6. Exercise. Eat healthy. Quit the booze already. Health is paramount. You cannot enjoy anything else, be it career, wealth or family, if you are not healthy.
  7. Spend more and more time with your loved ones and friends that matter. We think we have forever, but we don’t.
  8. Don’t try to stick to adolescence. You are an adult, better start behaving like one. Maturity is pretty sexy. People like people who can hold intelligent conversations.
  9. Get involved in country politics (even if it just means that you become aware about the candidates up for election from your area, and going to vote on the voting day). Politics and democracy is for everyone. If you do not represent you in the country politics, do not expect anyone else to represent you.
  10. Don’t be afraid of failing. It’s a beautiful thing, to fail. Failing means that you are operating out of your comfort zone and in your stretch zone. Always operate in your stretch zone. That’s how you’ll grow.
  11. Learn how to invest your money. Most of the bank accounts are nothing but storage accounts. No one becomes rich by saving. People become rich by investing. Also while you are at it, it is never too early to start saving for retirement.
  12. And while you do all this, don’t forget to have some fun! Life is shorter than we think it is, and the best years quickly pass by. Enjoy the present.

Is living in the U.S. better than living in Canada?  

Bengt Lindvall

If you are already rich, USA is far superior.

If you are person that has to work for a living … I will only give you two quotes.

  • USA’s government motto:
    “Good government, for the rich only.”
  • Canada’s government motto -very similar to all European countries:
    “Good government, for the people.”

Guess which country has liberal and complete social services for all.

Free-to-the-user health care with NO BILLS – zero charges, ever, for all,

1/7 the number of prisoners (on a per capita basis).

No school shootings.

One year off at near full salary for new mothers. Free and superb education for all, and almost free university eduation.

1/2 the traffice deaths per capita, & al.

Hint: Canada

Choose well.

What are the best three life hacks?

Not so much “life-hacks” but things that have made me successful(ish):

  • Exercise really is the solution to so many of life’s issues (moods, health, etc.).  It’s not just hype.  My entire life has been changed in monumental ways because of exercise.  If you’re not getting enough exercise (or unless you are one of the rare like 1% of people who genuinely can be healthy without it) then you are suffering in some way.  It doesn’t have to be CrossFit or running marathons, but you should be exercising.
  • Make a list of your priorities (including people).  Update it as necessary, but refer to it frequently.  It will help you make decisions on what is important in life.  It’s cold.  It’s calculating.  But so are you, we all are; we all have priorities (and we hate to admit that we rank people and things, but you do, we all do — I’m just honest about it and write it down; if you’re in my life, you’re on the list).  The difference between those who cannot prioritize and those that do is about two heartbeats in making decisions that most people agonize over.
  • It’s better to do things than to have things.  I’m not rich, but I can do one or the other.  I can afford nice things. I could have all sorts of great shit that people would look at and desire.  I can travel and do things and have great experiences with my husband.  But I can’t do both.  Doing things together builds your relationships; having things seems to distract away from what’s important.

Okay, and one more:

  • If you have plans, have re-evaluation periods and benchmarks.  It’s hard.  It ain’t fun.  But if you don’t have goals and dates that those goals need to meet, then you are unlikely to succeed in a lot of things you try to do.  Your goals should be flexible (mine change all the time), but the ones I have, have evaluation periods that I look back and think, “Why am I doing this?”  If I’m not on track to meet the goals, if I feel like I’m missing the mark (or that it’s no longer worth it), I evaluate and change course.

How can I speak English more elegantly?

I think it’s important to understand that there are two types of words in English. There are ‘ordinary’ words, like book, store, sit, and school. And then there are ‘colorful’ words that have greater emotional impact.

About 20 years ago, I realized that there is a category of English words called ‘Colorful Words’. In addition to ‘regular’ English words, ‘colorful’ words provide the flavor and spice of the language. I think the key to speaking and writing ‘elegantly’ is to use these ‘colorful’ words. In fact ‘elegant’ itself is a colorful word!

Every time I heard a colorful word I added it to a list, and now the list has over 1300 words! These words are essential in order to communicate in English effectively and ‘natively’.

Here are some examples of ‘colorful verbs’ that begin with the letter ‘s’:

sag, scatter, scoff, scoot, scorch, scour, scowl, scram, scrimp, scrounge, scrunch, scuff, scurry, scuttle, seethe, shimmer, shirk, shrivel, shrug, shudder, shuffle, shun, shush, skimp, skulk, slake, slink, slither, slobber, slog, slosh, slurp, smooch, snatch, snicker, snigger, snoop, snuggle, spew, splatter, splurge, spurn, sputter, squabble, squander, squawk, squelch, squirm, squish, straddle, stymie, sulk, sully, swaddle, swerve, swoop

Another thing that is special about colorful words is that they usually sound ‘funny’! Some examples from the above list of ‘s’ words: scrounge, scrunch, shimmer, shudder, slither, slurp, snicker, snuggle. Saying the words requires the mouth to move in interesting ways, and the words make interesting sounds!

These are all commonly used words, and using them makes your speech and writing more colorful and interesting, with more emotional power.

Recently I made a Website for these words called COLWORDS, and for each word there is a:

– definition

– sentence using the word

– picture illustrating the sentence

Learning these colorful words will definitely improve your English and make it more ‘elegant’.

COLWORDS now has a very useful Quiz mode. Use it to test your understanding of the Colorful words.

NOTE Besides collecting colorful words, another hobby is collecting interesting websites. To see the 400 carefully selected & very interesting websites look at www.eflip.com

What are some good tips and tricks to travel cheap?

I spend my life on the road.

I’ve been to 25 countries across 4 continents in the last 2 years.

Here are a few tips and tricks to travel cheap that I’ve picked up along the way:

Practical Tips

  1. Pack light, pack right: If you pack light, you won’t have to spend money on checked bags. If you pack the right stuff, you won’t have to buy anything while you travel. What you pack depends on where you are going / who you are. Here’s a packing list that has worked for me over the past 2 years.
  2. Buy a local SIM card: You can buy a SIM card with multiple GBs of data in nearly every country for $5–$15. This will keep you connected and save you from making costly mistakes.
  3. Negotiate: Whether it’s with your Airbnb, a vendor at a local market, or a taxi ride to the airport, get in the habit of asking for a 20–40% discount. Even if it works 1 out of every 5 times, this adds up.
  4. Drink less: Booze is expensive. Plus, when you drink too much, you end up buying late night food, having health issues, and making bad choices. So go light on the booze.
  5. Cook more: Find a core group of foods that are cheap, filling, and satisfy your food needs. My go-to foods in pretty much every country are lentils, eggs, and beans.

Transportation / Accommodation Tips:

  1. Use Google Flights to find cheap flights: There are a number of sites that aggregate flight data, but this is my go-to. Within seconds, you can find the cheapest air travel for wherever you want to go.
  2. Use Hostelworld to book your accommodation: You can find cheap, reliable, and high quality hostels here. There are lots of reviews to help you make a decision.
  3. Ride buses: Buses are cheap and fun. They are great places to think, meditate, and meet people who might invite you over for dinner. Be friendly and say hello to the person next to you.
  4. Look up airport transport ahead of time: Airport transportation providers are happy to take advantage of travelers who don’t know what’s going on or who are in a rush. Make sure you look up the best and cheapest way to get to and from the airport before you are in a rush and willing to hand over your wallet to catch your flight.

Personal Finance Tips

  1. Get a Chase Sapphire Reserve credit card: In addition to the fantastic travel rewards that you get with this card and can use to book air travel, you get a Priority Pass membership, which grants you access to a thousand airport lounges around the world. The lounges save you hundreds of dollars on airport food and drink expenses. They also make long travel journeys more enjoyable.
  2. Get a Charles Schwab high yield investor checking card: With this card, you get reimbursed for all ATM fees worldwide. If you travel a lot, especially in countries that primarily use cash, this can save you hundreds of dollars each year.
  3. Do not exchange money at the airport: This is always a rip-off. The exchange rates are horrible. Just don’t do it.

If you are interested in learning how to fit your life into a single backpack and travel anywhere in the world, check out my Minimalist Packing List.


What’s the best brain hack you know?

Oh boy, I have some good ones that I have amassed from Quora over the time I have been here. I still can’t decide which is the best.

GIANT DISCLAIMER: None of the answers are mine, I am just sharing it as an answer because the hacks are way too awesome to not be shared. Should you find the hacks helpful, click the provided original answer link and leave an upvote there instead.

What are the ‘must know’ things before turning 25?

Mattis Rogers
  1. This is your life. Better get you shit together NOW. – Listen. You’re turning 25 soon. Don’t squander anymore time. Although I believe that it is never too late to make positive changes to your life, you will never have the youth, energy and fuckin’ time that you will have now. Use it and focus on making yourself healthier, welathier and happier.
  2. Pay off your debt ASAP – If you’ve gone to university and borrowed money to pay for tuition, or if you’ve been particularly stupid and gotten into consumer debt for that nice car, then your No 1 priority is to pay this debt off. Honestly, debt will cripple you and keep you shakled to a job you might not even like that much. Get a second job if you must, turn off the heating and cancel your 50 € cell phone plan, but get rid of that debt. Get out of slavery.
  3. Take a Close look at Your “Friends” – Be really carefull who you hang out with and what these people have you doing. Many people don’t change past the typical “party” lifestyle of their twenties. Sure, they might get kids, go into debt to buy shit that they think they need for their happiness and still get wasted on the weekends like in their early twenties. If that is what you want, then keep on hanging out with these people.
  4. Start Saving and Investing Money – Fuck pensions and whatnot. I’m not a big fan of conspiracy theories but pensions nowadays are a joke. The only person that can care for future you? You of course. Now is the time to start saving 50% of your paycheck and investing the money in a low-cost Exchange Traded Fund.
  5. Take your Health Serious – Exercise intensely at least three times a week and eat a healthy diet. It sounds boring, I know, but ask yourself what the alternative is. A shorter life, higher medical bills and a damaged body? I’ll take “boring” exercise.
  6. Learn negotiation, psychology and persuasion – There is so much insight to be gained from these fields that is directly applicable to your life, that I honestly don’t understand why we don’t teach this in school. Persuasion and negotiation happen literally anytime we humans communicate. Ask yourself, why are you reading this?
  7. Learn how to build and break habits – Your life is a giant collection of your habits. And the fastest way to change the results or outcomes your consistently getting, is to change your habits.
  8. Learn to listen and ask questions. You want more friends? Or better friends? Learn to listen. Just listen to people and really try to understand what they want to communicate to you. Yes, that means putting that smartphone away. Don’t just listen for the surface level information, try to put yourself into their shoes and feel what they feel. Getting more friends means being a good friend.
  9. Give. There is so much good that comes from giving to others, that I have no idea where to start. Give value. Give your time and help someone. Be there if your friends need you. Give to your community. Give to your country. Although you might not feel it, but you life has a very deep meaning and you can make a change. It starts by changing the person in the mirror.

Mattis Rogers

What are the 10 best things you have done in your life?  

Kiara Bay
  • I studied so hard for being admitted into my dream university and finally I’ll move to Venice in August!
  • I lost 22 lbs and now eating healthier and doing daily workouts is my lifestyle
  • I am doing anything I can for stopping my insecurities. Until two weeks I’ll start vlogging for YouTube. Probably I am gonna be gofy and my Italian accent will be funny but hey, who cares.
  • I learned how to appreciate my emotive part. I cry whenever I am happy sad or super excited but I don’t think it’s a weakness anymore.
  • I learned how to say no and it feels amazing. Just do whatever you want and like.
  • I dedicated my childhood into competitive gymnastics and I am so proud of what I’ve accomplished. Sport taught me that real competition wasn’t against others but against my limits.
  • I’ve lived 4 months in Spain for learning the language and I am now fluent. I am also learning French and English.
  • I saved my pocket money for traveling and I’ve visited some amazing places such as Australia, Morocco, US, Russia, Great Britain, Germany and France.
  • I broke up with my ex boyfriend. It was such a toxic relationship and now I realize how inconsiderate I was towards myself and my feelings. I gave my love to someone who didn’t deserve it. Who do you think is guiltier?
  • I donated my blood because I felt the need to do so and in future I don’t exclude donating bone marrow.

What would you advise a 23-year-old? Any regrets he must not have, things he must not do?

Marielle Bernardo

As a fellow 23-year-old, my advice are the following:

  • While you want to enjoy the good things in life while you’re young, always allocate something for your savings
  • If you want to do something, do it. But be sure it won’t hurt anyone
  • If someone offers you an opportunity and you’re not sure how to do it, say yes to it right away. Then, learn how to do it later
  • If you like someone, tell them. Life is too short to keep ourselves boxed in the opinion of others
  • If you fail or get rejected, accept it. Know the reason and learn from it
  • Live every day as if it’s your last. I know it’s cliché, but who knows when will your last day be
  • When talking to someone, always put in mind that you wouldn’t want people feeling bad after talking to you
  • When someone needs help, don’t hesitate to help. You may not be able to completely help the person, but at least offer what’s the least you can do. Do not let someone asking for help leave without getting any help.
  • Give yourself some time alone. You may write how you feel in a journal, you may just sit in a corner and do nothing, or go somewhere relaxing, without thinking of anything, or you can use it as a time to reflect on what you have done on the previous days
  • Travel to somewhere new as much as you can. It doesn’t have to be something grand all at once, but at least give yourself the opportunity to go somewhere new. Going to new places is giving us new stimuli to process.

That’s all I can think of for now. Might add if something else comes up.